Technical and on-Page SEO

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One of the most important aspects of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand.

SEO is about proving to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft/Bing that your website is a relevant resource for people searching for information about your topic/industry.

It is very important to appeal to search engines for generating traffic to your site.

The worst thing you can do is hire a low-quality service in an effort to save money.

The cost of hiring a low-quality service can actually surpass the fee of hiring a high-quality service.

Call us at 2018207500 for a Free Consultation to discuss the best plan for you.

SEO Process

CHUDO Production carefully analyzes each step in the process to ensure quality content and usability for enhanced SEO performance.

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Our Process:

Develop applicable and authoritative content for your site.

Establish content to rank high in searches without overdoing keywords.

Write useful and engaging content for your audience.

Ensure that your website loads and functions correctly.

Scan for broken links.

Build relationships to strengthen visibility and online presence of your site.

Build your brand and local presence.

Despite the ongoing changes to the algorithm Google uses to determine where your content will rank for different queries, these best practices have remained somewhat consistent over the years and are considered the benchmark for CHUDO Production site development and SEO tactics.

To be successful in today’s marketplace, a company must have a strong presence online to be found by search engines.

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