Content Marketing Pricing

Content Marketing should be on the top of your list in 2024

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$500 /month

2 Articles

1200 words each

WordPress Publishing

SEO Optimized


$1000 /month

4 Articles

1200 words each

WordPress Publishing

SEO Optimized


$1800 /month

8 Articles

1200 words each

WordPress Publishing

SEO Optimized

Content Marketing

Affordable Content
Marketing Pricing

Content creation is the backbone of any successful business. Content marketing strategies should be created to satisfy your target audience’s interests, not just what you think they want or need. CHUDO digital agency has been building effective content strategies for years and knows how to create a fully customized experience that will work best for you!

We know how important it is to keep up with changing trends in digital media. We also know how to position our clients to have an edge on their competitors when creating new campaigns and making social updates from all aspects of their business – including both branding and Industry news. But don’t take our word for it – find out yourself by clicking below now!

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Consultation Today

How much does content marketing cost?

The best online marketing campaigns combine digital and traditional tactics, but it is important to make sure the goals for each correspond. “Content Marketing” is one online strategy that has proven to be an effective tactic. See our content marketing pricing above, or contact us today for services and pricing that fits your needs.

Plan #1
Plan #2
Plan #3
Monthly Content Creation
2 Articles
4 Articles
8 Articles
1200 Words Each
Featured Image Selection
WordPress Publishing
Analyze Performance/Reports
Initial Campaign Strategy
Email Drip Campaign
Dedicated Account Rep
Video Content (Client Provides Video)
Monthly Charge
Video Content (Client Provides Video)

Monthly Content Creation 2 Articles

1200 Words Each

Featured Image Selection

WordPress Publishing

Analyze Performance/Reports

Initial Campaign Strategy

Email Drip Campaign Add-On

Dedicated Account Rep

Video Content (Client Provides Video)

Monthly Charge $500

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Monthly Content Creation 4 Articles

1200 Words Each

Featured Image Selection

WordPress Publishing

Analyze Performance/Reports

Initial Campaign Strategy

Email Drip Campaign Add-On

Dedicated Account Rep

Video Content (Client Provides Video)

Monthly Charge $500

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Monthly Content Creation 8 Articles

1200 Words Each

Featured Image Selection

WordPress Publishing

Analyze Performance/Reports

Initial Campaign Strategy

Email Drip Campaign Add-On

Dedicated Account Rep

Video Content (Client Provides Video)

Monthly Charge $500

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Monthly Content Creation Contact us →

1200 Words Each Contact us →

Featured Image Selection

WordPress Publishing

Analyze Performance/Reports

Initial Campaign Strategy

Email Drip Campaign Add-On

Dedicated Account Rep

Video Content (Client Provides Video)

Monthly Charge $500

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Landing Pages or Funnel

$500 per page

Email Drip (1 sequence, 4 emails)


Video Production

Photography or Graphic Design

Why Does Your Business Need Content Marketing

The content created for a company's brand is the backbone of any successful business. It's important that marketing strategies are created to satisfy your target audience's interests, not just what you think they want or need. Chudo digital agency has been building effective content strategies for years and knows how to create a fully customized experience that will work best for you!

If you want to reach your target audience, it is best to invest in content marketing. This strategy will increase the number of visitors coming through your website and social media sites. Once you lay out a strategic content marketing strategy for your business, you can expect to increase your inbound marketing traffic. What is the significance of this? You will have a better chance to generate inbound marketing leads into revenue for your business when you get more visits from your target market. More customers can be won from more visitors. Better marketing and promotion will result in more traffic.

What is the impact of content marketing on your business?

Your content is what can keep your visitors spending time on your website or checking out the competition. Quality content helps retain customers and attract new ones by answering questions, solving problems, or educating potential clients about products they may not know exist.

The conversion rates

Of content marketing are reported to be ten times higher.

Users are spending more than 6 hours daily

On their computers and mobile devices, consuming all types of content.

The cost

Of content marketing is 55% cheaper than other marketing methods.

67% of B2B customers say

That they view content 5-7 times before talking to a salesperson.

An effective

Content marketing strategy gets 3x more leads.

Compared to job posting

LinkedIn has 18x more content impressions.

72% of marketing experts

Say that blog content creation is their primary inbound marketing strategy.

After reading a blog’s recommendation

About a particular product or service, 61% of consumers end up purchasing it.

How would you like your business to rank among the other businesses in your industry? With a new content strategy, we can help. We offer services that range from auditing of current messages and keywords for marketing purposes, all the way through creating an editorial calendar for each brand or company’s needs. It is time to get serious about improving your online presence-call us today!

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